Friday, June 16, 2023



HELLO EVERYONE!  Here I will show you the decodes that I pieced together today using Numerology, Gematria and the Tzolkin Galactic Kin numbers and messages  [wow]; which ultimately led to: Q Drop:  231 

Decide for yourself! 

Here we go...

TRUMP UNDER ARREST popped up in a meme from an obvious 'orange man bad' actor this morning in my feed on Truth Social. It immediately came to mind to just check the Gematria on that one, just because  ;) 

{I actually had to add it in the Gematria database because it wasn't in there yet}

Moving along...


The 1st code for ANYONE looking:


I received 9 codes total, so let's continue...









IMMEDIATELY upon reading this last message, my phone started blasting an emergency warning signal.... 

 TORNADO WARNING! (But check out that time stamp!)


11:33 = MASTER GATEWAY/MASTER LEADER/MASTER TEACHER (more down below at the bottom.)


Q:1133:   "... Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for."  (screen share)

Timestamp: 10/31/2017 11:58

10:31:7 = 1:4:7 = [147: see below] =

11:58 = 11:13 = 2:13 or 11:4 [213 and 114 Q posts are also below:66] 

66 = 12 = 3

Q:66: (see pic - numerology further down

Here's a link for anyone wanting to DYOR:   (you're welcome! ;)

Time stamp: 11:58 = 1158  (Q post 1158 shows a pic of a park - looks like Central park in NYC to me and possibly a reference to 'Alice in Wonderland' - HRC - perhaps...?... my speculation only). That 'hole' was exposed many times already. 

Moving along...

Also, 66 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

Listening to Q in the above post, I started re-reviewing posts from that day, etc. and came across this:


Naturally, the 'Alice in Wonderland' caught my attention (I REALLY didn't want to go back down that rabbit hole (pun DIRECTLY intended). I did some digging and what I came across was the alledged involvement of the Clinton Foundation siphoning about 89% of relief funds that was supposed to go to the Haitian people after a disaster. COME ON! 

The former Haitian government official, Klaus Eberwein, who was scheduled to testify in a week about a case of alleged corruption and malpractice of the Clinton Foundation, was found dead in Miami. Gun shot to the head. All relatives and close friends say he was fearful for his life and was NOT suicidal.


We know her methods and her madness. Next...

I couldn't help but notice in parenthesis, (a single shot). What's my next move? 
That's right! 



Got myself 9 more messages (funny how that works, isn't it?) lol with great respect for the Divine algorithms!
Here are the (Gematria) 129 messages...


Well that was interesting, but it gets way BETTER!

Trump stopped at the restaurant called: Versailles after appearing for his indictment on June 13, 2023, just one day, literally hours, before his 77th Birthday! 

(SIDENOTE: BOTH of my parents happen to be 77 right now!) 

So I looked this up too. Why not? Trust but verify. Since the news was clearly attacking him AGAIN, and attacking unrelentlessly, I had to... (AND WE KNOW THIS IS TO WAKE PEOPLE UP BUT SERIOUSLY NOW... HOW RIDICULUS DOES IT NEED TO GET BEFORE YOU SEE IT? ASKING FOR A FRIEND!)

Since the number 231 was said to be a key, when you do a quick search of it, not much in the way of answers for this journey is there... but search ARTICLE 231 and low and behold...

Turns out the Treaty of Versailles, ARTICLE 231 is the WAR GUILT CLAUSE!


It's the very same clause that caused the good old powers that be in the USA government, to NOT ratify this peace treaty and sign a side deal with Germany!!! 

According to Wikipedia: (I know, I know, but still...) "...Although the armistice of 11 November 1918 ended the actual fighting, it took six months of Allied negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to conclude the peace treaty. Germany was not allowed to participate in the negotiations—it was forced to sign the final result."  

(But not the USA: we signed a more private 'deal' with them...hmmm)

So this is why you need to do about 5-10 minutes of reading about Article 231 to learn for yourself. 
Basically, it led to the economic collapse and bitter resentment which fueled and powered the rise of the Nazi party in Germany; and then WWII ... and we all know what happens next... or do we??? 
Do we question everything we learned from people who actually experienced this history and just buy into the propaganda saying it was all made up? Was it? 

{Operation Paperclip is one thing I personally think of: OH and the resultant INVASION FROM WITHIN, but that's just my OPIN}

There's still more... (But first, a quick side note: When I'm talking about a country such a Germany, I am referring to the powers that be/were and definitely NOT the general German population and good people there who also, don't want anymore wars... like MOST people with Souls around the WORLD. 
I think ALL OF US SOULS - that aren't sold - AGREE ON THAT AND HAVE FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW.)  Rant done! 

Donald John Trump, CIC, was indicted on Thursday, June 8, 2023 = 6:8:7 = 147 = 111 = 3


Yeah, so that was a good one. 

(OPIN: Trump knows the laws and wants us to learn. You learn by not being lazy and letting everyone tell you what's going on, especially from the TV, black box and BOOB tube-propaganda device everyone is so dependent on... oh my goodness! 
No judgements, but it's definitely time to 'DO SOMETHING' which for most people who haven't yet, some research which includes: re-learning or un-learning (aka: deprogramming) and re-educating yourself: IMHO). 

Now for some Tzolkin numbers, Codes and Galactic messages that you can't ignore...

Trump was indicted on 6/8/2023 [= 3] during the WHITE MIRROR 13-Day Wavespell in the Tzolkin: Kin 126


For those who 'get' the Tzolkin, Trump was literally the '3 between the 11s' ...look above... right between the ALPHA and the OMEGA 10 day GAP (Galactic Portal Days) at the first "day between Alpha and Omega runs" Trump gets INDICTED!  WOW... I missed that earlier, but it's updated now! 

( I am supposing 'they' thought that would be a great day to do it according to basic numerology because it's a 9 in the Tzolkin and a 3 in Numerology, that's the completion of something...  I'm also supposing: because it's during that particular wavespell, they {would have} tried their best to use their black magic and spell casting, black rituals etc... 

But something else...

Remember we just talked about the Treaty of Versailles? 
Guess where it was signed? 

You'll never guess, hehe...

Check this out: 


Can you feel it? 

Do NOT continue on until you see it, clearly and make that connection about why Trump stopped at that particular restaurant and it wasn't just 'Cuba' as lamestream is saying, lol! 
(That's an entirely different deep dive)

CIC Trump turned himself in for this indictment the day before his 77th Birthday on June 13, 2023. Happy Solar Return, Sir! (Salute)
Yes, his Birthday is on Flag Day - another confirmation about his Divine appointment for this job! 

June 13 2023 is the first day of the Blue Monkey Wavespell in the Tzolkin, Kin number: 131 {SIDENOTE: The '3' is walking right between the Master Gateway - wow! }  

June 13, 2023: Kin 131: Blue Magnetic Monkey

It's ALL  "CENTRAL CASTING"  remember? 

Donald John Trump, CIC, has his Birthday on June 14, as mentioned above. 
Day Code: 6:14:7 (6 147 again, lol) = 6:5:7 = (11:7 or 6:12) = 9 
(117 and 612 below)

9: (short version) completion, finishing the task, finishing the cycle: or completing a particular mission. 

Q: 117 

(The Art of War: by Sun Tzu - I believe... Great book btw.  Although I'm NOT a fan of war at ALL or in ANY WAY!) 

This is what FUELED my inspiration (among a few other, more personal reasons) why I started by TEACH PEACE ORIGINAL STORE back in March 2004. After they made such a spectacle of the execution of Sandam Hussein in Dec 2003. I understood then, (OPIN ONLY) he didn't want the Central bank; and then they went after him after previously installing him and propping him up - he may very well have been a war criminal, but you could just feel that we weren't getting the entire story on THAT situation.

Weapons of mass destruction was the battle cry and then all that happened... yes, it did! He had NOTHING to do with the towers or attacks on 911 - we all know that was a preplanned demolition now, especially considering Rumsfeld admitted all those BILLIONS went missing - and the other buildings that somehow went down that same day which had the evidence (or so they say and we WILL find out the TRUTH)... Oh and all that footage without the planes... yeah, we KNOW!


You can see how easy it is to unfold and unpack all this once you get going. When they say, "It's ALL connected" that's 100% TRUE!

The Numerology Basics

11: Master Gateway, (make a wish), cooperation, intuition, instinct, psychic, relationship, teamwork, inspiration, idealism, illumination, enlightenment

33: Master Teacher, Divinity Trinity, the power of 3 multiplied, Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit, communication, connection, creativity, unique thinking, creative expression, joyful, naïve, optimistic, youthful, charming

6: Unconditional love, ability to support, nurture and heal, compassion, empathy, beacon of hope, embodiment of heart and soul, service to others, supportive, protective, romantic, caring, harmonious

66: When you see the number 6 (or any number) there is ALWAYS a higher and lower vibration - we ARE living in duality after all - think of yourself - Yin/Yan spiritually speaking that is... So you can think of the highest octave of the vibration for this number, which is unconditional love frequency of the heart center. Now, DOUBLE THE LOVE. It also open the 6:6 portal gateway which leads up, to and through the Solstice on June 21, 2023 and beyond, now. This signified the opening to higher dimensional frequencies and access to our Galactic star families GATEWAYS OPEN!

I feel like the flood gates are opening and BTW, here's the Q post for the number that is the KEY, according to Gematria: definitely has codes needed for SOMEONE - please share this so it can get around all my timeouts and held back (protected?) algorithms ... someone needs to see this imho.
Thank you.


I love you Always, 

I am right here with you! 

I AM Lynda Light, Kin 147 = 3 


Thursday, June 8, 2023

June 8, 2023 Codes


Teach Peace

DAY CODES for: June 8, 2023

Tzolkin: White Solar World-Bridger, KIN 126 = 9

265 = 211 13 = 4  "Operation Viper Strike, 265"

June 8, 2023 = 6:8:2023 = 687 = 21 = "Her really is Jesus Christ, 265"

943 = 97  = 16 = 7  "Seventeen years to wait, 265"


9: Completion, endings, cycles, potential, transition, transformation, humanitarian, wisdom, wise, understanding, supportive, awakening, tolerant, respect, accepting, experienced, spiritual, sacrificial, compassionate, aware, source of comfort and healing for others

4: Strength, hard work, foundation, stability, efficiency, discipline, practicality, dependable, dedicated, tried and true methods, wise, rational security, consistency, loyal, service oriented, patient

3: Trinity, communication, connection, creativity, unique thinking, creative expression, joyful, naïve, optimistic, youthful, charming

7: wise, questioning, researching, listening, sensing, powerful intuition, spirituality, curious, drive for truth, perceptive, intellectual, mysterious, introspective


12: Growth, success, independence, inspiration, partnership, flexibility, balance, trust, faith, wisdom, strength, sensitivity, magical: 12: also embodies not only the 1, but the 2 and the three as well. The Divine Trinity is embodied with the 12 = 2 plus 1 = 3. Also hidden a little bit deeper is the Master number 11 via the Trinity: The Master Gateway within which your Divine Trinity has access keys to = 111 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and so much more…  

13: Manifestation, transitional, transformative, similar to 4 with solid foundations in the physical, tangible outcomes, practicality, dream fulfillment, independent,  independence, self-sufficiency, self-expression, charisma, powerful

* Although some people consider 13 to be unlucky probably due to its association with the 13th card in Tarot, which is the DEATH card, many other people consider it to be VERY lucky and quite powerful!  Those who consider 13 unlucky simply do not understand that the representation of a 'death' card is multidimensional and a death occurs every time just prior to a new cycle beginning. More often than not, the Death card speaks guidance to the transition for the beginning of a new cycle. It absolutely could portend an actual physical death as well; so great care should be taken when you’re reading and interrupting cards for anyone if this card shows up.

37: the mirror to 73 and considered Heaven on Earth codes with the 3rd and 7th dimensions coming together. When you see either of these double delicious digits paired together, you can be assured that your higher dimensional family is watching out for you, you are exactly where you need to be, and you are loved and protected beyond measure! Also, when you see these numbers they will greet you with a BIG warm smile patiently waiting for you to notice, and want to smile back!


White Solar World Bridger, KIN 126 = 9

Solar is the 9th out of 13 Tones (913)

It's Power: Pulse

It's Action: Realize

It's Essence: Intention

World-Bridger is the 6th of 20 Seals (620)

It's Power: Death

It's Action: Equalize

It's Essence: Opportunity

Although this transition could feel VERY personal and; although you may be a sensitive and attuned to higher frequency spaces and locations, these new energies coming in may feel a bit tricky to navigate until you get your perception straightened out. Allow the old ways and systems of control to have their death. They did choose this path, just as you, my Dear Beloved Ones, chose your path. Allow all the grips from the old to release and fall away as they are doing right now. Let it all go!

Divinely Guided CODES:

The Divine Masculine (12) is walking on solid footing now, together with the Divine Feminine (13). They are reunited, grounded and anchored together... which is truly, Heaven on Earth (37).

It's in our face! Can you see it?

3 = 12 and 12 = 3 = Divine Trinity Codes!

33 is the Master Teacher codes.

Who is YOUR Master Teacher?

I love you ALL!

I AM right here with you!

I AM Lynda Light

Lynda Light

Monday, June 5, 2023

Day Codes: JUNE 6-7, 2023

JUNE 6, 2023

YELLOW RESONANT SEED: KIN 124 = 7    "America Wants Its Angel Back, 231"

GEMATRIA: 231 = 6    "The Secret Service Agent, 231"

06:06:2023 = 667 = 127 = 37 [Heaven on Earth codes] = 10 =1    "The Lord is My Shepard, 231"

7:6:1 = 7:7 = 14 = 5


7: Wise, questioning, researching, listening, sensing, powerful intuition, spirituality, curious, drive for truth, perceptive, intellectual, mysterious, introspective

6: Unconditional love, ability to support, nurture and heal, compassion, empathy, beacon of hope, embodiment of heart and soul, service to others, supportive, protective, romantic, caring, harmonious

1: Independent, ambitious, proactive, pioneering, motivated, freedom-loving, powerful, driven to succeed, stops at nothing in the direction of dreams, new beginnings

5: Change, curiosity, freedom adventure, experimenting, possibilities, adaptable, social, flexible, movement, exploring, unpredictable, outgoing, energetic, independent

12: Growth, success, independence, inspiration, partnership, flexibility, balance, trust, faith, wisdom, strength, sensitivity, magical: 12: also embodies not only the 1, but the 2 and the three as well. The Divine Trinity is embodied with the 12 = 2 plus 1 = 3. Also hidden a little bit deeper is the Master number 11 via the Trinity: the Master Gateway within which your Divine Trinity has access keys to = 111 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and so much more…


37: The mirror to 73 and considered Heaven on Earth codes with the 3rd and 7th dimensions coming together. When you see either of these double delicious digits paired together, you can be assured that your higher dimensional family is watching out for you, you are exactly where you need to be, and you are loved and protected beyond measure! Also, when you see these numbers they will greet you with a BIG warm smile patiently waiting for you to notice, and you'll want to smile back!

66: When you see the number 6, you can think of the highest octave of the vibration of this number which is considered the unconditional love frequency of the heart center. Now double the love and since it's a specific day code in this case, that code and number vibration opens the 6:6 portal gateway; and in numbers, this signifies the opening to higher dimensional frequencies and access to our galactic star families up and through the Summer Solstice in a few weeks.

77: Deep connection to the natural and spiritual world, heightened intuition, confidence, highly imaginative, creative, abundance of spiritual power, mysterious, ability to listen to higher frequencies/dimensions, destined to find truth 


Yellow Resonant Seed, KIN 124 = 7

RESONANT is the 7th of 13 Tones  (713 = 11) 

It's Power: Channel

It's Action: Inspire

It's Essence: Attunement

SEED is the 4th of 20 Seals    (420 = 6)

It's Power: Flowering

It's Action: Target

It's Essence: Awareness


Today is a very special day. It opens a (potential) two-way connection within you, if only you can open up and listen to the sounds within. You have a period of a few weeks now, leading up through the summer solstice, that you can make deeper connections with your star and galactic families. The way to make sure you're connecting is to be still and listen, as if you were having an out loud conversation with a friend. We always allow time for speaking and time for listening. Today is definitely a time for listening, but it is also a Day of Action.

Today, you'll want to begin a project, sign a lease, make a decision you've been waiting on or procrastinating about, pick up that phone and call someone, make that purchase you've been waiting on for the right time, no time like the present, make those connections and take some action to bring into this world that which you want to create, begin, start, take with you on your journey, etc.

We've been hearing for quite awhile now, to leave behind that which no longer serves us or our higher good; or to pudge what is not coming with us on our journey forward.... NOW we begin the new timeline to start manifesting what you DO want in your life. From today and moving forward, try to imagine all you DO want in your life: people, places, things, experiences - all of it!

Remember to: DREAM BIG!

Enjoy the day and don't forget to play!

I AM right here with you!

I AM Lynda Light

JUNE 7, 2023

RED GALACTIC SERPENT: KIN 125 = 178    "Jesus Prophecy, 180"

GEMATRIA:180 = 9    "Attorney General, 180"

06:07:2023 = 677 = 614 = 11 = 2    "Four Four Four, 180"

8:9:2 = 8:11 or 17:2 = 10 = 1


8: Infinity, balance, hard work, success, achievements, lucky, ambitious, dedication to purpose, strategic in methods, karmic, giving back, enduring, fortitude, patience, determination, accomplished, prosperous, authoritative, strong, goal-oriented

9: Completion, endings, cycles, potential, transition, transformation, humanitarian, wisdom, wise, understanding, supportive, awakening, tolerant, respect, accepting, experienced, spiritual, sacrificial, compassionate, aware, source of comfort and healing for others

2: Feminine force, partnerships, alliances, twins, divine counterparts, duality, equality, peace and balance, feminine force, power, cooperation, strongest intuition, instincts, empathy, diplomacy, harmony, teamwork, unbiased, unifying, assertive, compassionate

1: Independent, ambitious, proactive, pioneering, motivated, freedom-loving, powerful, driven to succeed, stops at nothing in the direction of dreams, new beginnings


11: Gateway, cooperation, intuition, spiritual, influence, instinct, psychic, relationships, teamwork, inspiration, idealism, illumination, enlightenment

77: deep connection to the natural and spiritual world, heightened intuition, confidence, highly imaginative, creative, abundance of spiritual power, mysterious, ability to listen to higher frequencies/dimensions, destined to find truth 

Today you may find yourself feeling tons of energy and you may not know what to do with it all. It's filled with Red Serpent energy and it wants to organize today; so be prepared to Feng Shui all the stagnant energies in your place and spaces. Good day for SAGE and dusting of, clearing, cleaning all your crystals for optimum clarity: that little extra love between moon cycles. It's a day that anchors the gate of 11 into your subconsciousness and opens the gate wide open to connect with your mind system.

7 energy is really important today.



GALACTIC is the 8th of 13 Tones (813 = 12 = 3) Eternal feminine completion in expressions and organic magic with love light to become the channel to anchor and manifest miracles in your life)

It's Power: Harmonize

It's Action: Model

It's Essence: Integrity

SERPENT is the 5th of 20 Seals: (520 = 7)

It's Power: Life Force

It's Action: Survive

It's Essence: Instinct

Whatever you do today, make it as transparent as possible. No back room deals or quiet hand shakes today or it won't end well. (The same goes for talking about people behind their backs). You instinctively know what to do and you will not model or display your actions in a negative way. You know how to do this and you make decisions and take actions today, that can propel your destiny right into physical manifestation. If ever there was a time to not get in your own way, this is the time. Be not afraid of your destiny Dear Ones, for it is directly within your reach right now.

Always remember who's in charge of your actions and actively take a role in handling your personal inner team! You are the Master (Creator) of it all!

I AM right here with you all!

I AM Lynda Light