Sunday, November 4, 2018

What is Real?

Lets take a dive into non-ordinary reality! A very deep dive. 

Ordinary reality is being defined here as the constructs (we, as a collective) agree is the physical world. Non-ordinary reality is being defined here, as everything else.  

People have been taking their consciousness to places where our physical bodies can't go  for as long as you can imagine. 

If you don't understand this or actually, if it triggers you to hear that people can leave their bodies, travel to very real places and remember their journeys (with or without the help of any particular substances), then I'm advising you to stop reading right now. Why get yourself triggered or upset with insights that could possibly challenge your entire belief structures, if you're not willing to suspend disbeliefs? If you choose to continue reading whether or not you believe the content you are requested to be respectful while processing the information below.  

If people travel and they don't take their bodies, does this mean they didn't really go anywhere but rather, the brain is playing a trick? Absolutely not. 

Is Astral travel what you're taking about? That is one way. 

Can everyone everyone astral project? Some people have this happen spontaneously, others can learn by practicing. But this is not the subject of importance today. Astral projection is not what you are here do do at this time. 

Can you travel when you are meditating? Absolutely. This is the way shamans, healers and others traverse on their journeys. 

Do you need some sort of psychedelic drug or a substance to alter you brain so you can travel? I will say this: you do not need anything to travel. Just the act of sleeping at night takes you out of your body and you travel to non-ordinary realities. Some have better recall of their nightly travels for various reasons. When a being begins to wake up and consciously decides to start the discipline needed to recall accurate memories from their travels, they may also choose to experiment with different substances in order to shift their perspective and push their consciousness to an altered reality while they are awake and aware. It's simply easier for them to remember the experience. Not everyone does this. Dream work takes a long time to develop and master and typically needs a additional dedication to writing - these pair well together. Although recording technology can also be used. The major benefit to dream travel is that you actually project into what you're calling non-ordinary reality and experience 'you' in your other very real bodies and realities.   

So it's true, you do travel in your dream state? You know this is absolutely true. 

Ha-ha. I was asking for my readers. This is the first time we've formatted like this - as a question and answer type of way. Normally, you will just stream through me while I write. I'm wondering why this is different now. Can you shed any light? I am not the only being who streams through you while you write. You had a dream you awoke from this morning and you had questions. You wrote all the details down and you had an excellent recall from your travels. There is important information about your travels and you are stepping out of your inhibitions about sharing your experiences. This format works for the messages we want to convey. 

OK, wow, thank you. How do you want me to share this?  Write out the full dream and ask your most important questions. 

Here goes... as written in my dream journal and only edited for clarity.  

I was at some facility. It was a resting place for people that have probably just crossed over and there was a vast variety of issues. There were a lot of evaluations taking place and I didn't like being observed. It felt, off. 

I remember being there a little while, like I had the memory of being there for at least a few weeks, maybe longer. I was saying something about not arranging things anymore for everyone (like in an OCD kind of way). Apparently I was arranging things to be used as grids. 

I was telling one of the observers that I wasn't going to do that anymore because this was not my home. Although I was starting to feel more comfortable in my room and was still making grids there. 

There was a group observation of a young girl and they were inspecting her private parts under a sheet. I felt uncomfortable because I thought they were making porn, until they showed everyone she had male parts. Then I could see she was actually supposed to be in a girl body, but was not. I left and went to her private room where she was now in a boys body and her mother was there. Her mother told me, "She knew she was supposed to be a girl. From the time she could talk she told us, she was a girl" 

The mother showed me a memory of how they said it. It was basically some of their first verbal sentences, "I'm girl"!! The mother was showing me how this was done on purpose. I immediately understood who the group was, that was doing these things at that facility. And they have been very, very naughty!

I went back to my room and this was one of the reasons why I was so upset and knew I didn't belong there. A female observer was in my room trying to get me to talk about it and I started to explain energy layers. I was describing it as basic as I could. I asked her and others that were listening, to imagine a square room. 

I started describing how energy moves in layered waves. One right on top of the other. I also told them they weren't necessarily the same distance apart from each other. As I was about to make some serious points, my sister decided it was time to go. Right now! 

She was apparently also in this place or a being who looked like her. When I went to get ready, I had also been having a conversation about orbs with the female observer, she had a few experiences also. I was prevented from showing my videos and was told I had to leave right at that moment. 

I heard the male and female observers going back and forth about something. I heard the male become demeaning to the female. I heard nothing back from the female. I decided this was not OK and spoke up. 

He sort of mocked me at first, until I told him that I didn't care how old his was, I was married (and divorced) twice and I knew... this was wrong - they way he was talking to the female. I woke up shortly after. 

My questions are direct. Was I at a place where people go when they die, some sort of facility? Yes. But the one you visited was being dismantled. 

Why was it being dismantled? Because it was for the sole purpose of falsely conditioning beings between incarnations and putting them into the wrong bodies.They were debriefing and reconditioning beings with false karma and false gender identification. 

What do you mean by that? Can you explain a little more please? Yes. In between your lifetimes you are debriefed and prepared for your next. You are shown what karma needs to be resolved and a blueprint or plan is presented. Included in that plan is a gender choice that would best benefit you to resolve said karma. These plans are supposed to be handled over much longer rest and integration periods and done in conjunction with a much higher aspect of yourself, in the least traumatic way possible. 
This particular facility was a very dark place with the appearance of the helping type of  afterlife facilities. Many beings were tricked into going there upon death falling victim to their agenda. They pushed you through as fast as possible, showed you false information thereby tricking you into thinking you have karma which was in fact, not yours. And finally, they were putting people into the wrong bodies after all the contracts were signed and they were on their way to be incarnated. This had to stop. This is why it is being dismantled. It was all done with black magic. There is a HUGE control force on your planet disguised as a very large church, which is also being dismantled. I can not give any more information about this except to say it is all part of disclosure and the world will watch in both joy and disbelief at what is being revealed. 

I understand the disbelief, but why joy? Because those who have been working towards disclosing truth and ushering in the Golden Age will understand and know it's really happening and feel a huge joy sweep through their hearts. 

So are you telling me I should publish all this on my blog? Yes. Humanity needs to allow the seeds to germinate before the full exposure traumatizes a lot of beings. If they never think outside their beliefs from childhood and conditioning, when this church falls they will not understand and not want to believe they were fooled.They will blame it on the work of "the devil" because they have been conditioned to believe everything they were told is truth. And most have never even tried to go within for their own truths. Some beings are just not able to question their beliefs because they are either young souls or just too traumatized. This is about beings with an actual soul. This will also create a lot of anger. 
With additional information now, some beings will hear the truth in their hearts. They are awakening en mass and have the ability to FEEL the truth. In general, people have a way of hanging on to their beliefs so tightly and we are trying to help as many as possible loosen their grips and awaken to truths they might not have thought about prior. When everything changes in your ordinary reality and people see the truth of the connection with non-ordinary reality, they might be better able to think outside the box they've been in for so long without as much fear.   

I have many more questions but I think that is enough for now. Thank you for all of this. You gave us plenty to think about. This is so much more than I thought I would be writing about. I felt your nudge earlier and knew STRONGLY I needed to write about dream travels. I didn't think I was going to write about my dream specifically.
I AM always here for you.

For my readers, I would like to add that if this doesn't resonate with you, no worries. If you were triggered at all by the content please just give it time to sink in without judging it. We are all entitled to our perspectives, right? If nothing apparent happens on the world stage right now, then great! We can all have our perspectives and continue cleaning up this planet together as we all go through these very interesting times together. I personally believe all is being revealed and will continue to surprise people at incredible speeds as the dominoes fall - especially over the next few months and more.