Ascension Maps began a few years ago, although I wasn't aware at that time. Let me explain. In the fall of 2022 I was given the name of this project and I knew well enough when these types of downloads come, to listen to my Soul. So I purchased the domain name on 9/13/2022 and set it aside for a bit. What I didn't know then was that I was already working on this project!
Here's how: I started a podcast in December of 2021 called Sacred Warrior Space Podcast. The first cycle was 9 episodes and it was called: A Brave New World. It was me channeling my Soul level with no scripts - basically practicing. I didn't know that. Same thing with cycle 2 which was known collectively as: Trusting Your Soul.
Very Funny.
My Soul Self absolutely does have a terrific sense of humor but I had to get used to this type of humor. The kind that doesn't hit you right away, (it's not sarcastic or direct like my human is used to) but rather, one that you discover has a sneaking up on you kind of feeling.
I love it!
So this passion project was always meant to help uplift humanity from all the lies and help them to remember what they forgot while using their 3D physical body. This project took on a life of it's own and I am just along for the ride. My future Self is definitely overseeing this project located in a reality that is hard to explain to anyone not on this journey, yet. I will say that time is not what you've been told and leave it there for now.
It was early 2023 when my Soul began communicating very clear about the third cycle of SWS podcast. This is when the name for the entire passion project came in tied to the third cycle and I already had the domain name since September of the previous year. My Soul showed me through my Spirit how to lay it all out first, in a template.
The names of the nine episodes in cycle 3 were downloaded to me as Foundational and Wisdom Teachings; and the template for the website began. I drop a new podcast every week while an active cycle is going on. The podcast would be encoded with Soul level frequencies and quantum light codes. Each podcast would be scripted and well thought out so all the teachings are what Spirit wanted to include at this time.
OK. I was stuck a little here.
Why did my Soul keep asking me to teach people things that I've already taught? I was kind of ticked, my human was... because these teachings seemed to me to be basic; and my human just didn't get why I have to teach what feels like, the same thing over and over. What I didn't fully innerstand yet, was that didn't matter and those who need these teachings will be guided to them and it will serve them very well.
This project has effectively created an experimental fountain of Healing, Inspiration and Creation. It also enables you to receive the quantum encoding that's infused within the creation itself, at all levels.
Same Old/Ancient Teachings: Higher Frequency CODES the Hu-Man can now integrate.
A'HA! NOW, it made sense. It's not the teachings itself but the codes that others can now receive, ponder and integrate... ok. I felt better.
The Quantum Light Washing is a purifying Light from our Creator Source that your Soul recognizes very well. It enables you to increase your personal light quotients actively, which are measured through a technique known as Quantum Graphing. You can uplevel your experiential knowledge after you pass the tests to convert it all into personal wisdom. Wisdom which some have forgotten and other have yet to learn.
This is all covered in the journey.
Every journey is unique.
You are in control of your learning and especially, your practice.
We are broadcasting to other locations and dimensional frequencies all the time - whether or not you are aware, matters not. When you agree to take your journey you are in agreement with your Soul to get the extra healing and light body upgrades and all the quantum knowledge needed for you to start using your consciousness for self healing maintenance and many other things as you progress: as WE progress through these Ascension portals and gateways in the Photon Belt.
During your journey through the website I included a video of bonus content that was made live while I was sipping on a glass of red wine celebrating. What I was celebrating was this project because I finally got it and IT was perfect! It was beautiful in the Divine plan and overall effect this would have on the grids and for the upliftment of humanity. (I suppose I circled around with eyes wide-open and could see it forming on an upward spiral this time... so cool!)
THIS was why I could celebrate. I got it... FINALLY!
Next 'circle' around and above (it's a spiral remember;) I could see how to create Sacred Spaces for the website. It keeps progressing in an upward spiral and I keep developing this as far as Spirit wants.
The purpose is to get Foundational and Wisdom Teachings to those who can't afford it; and to those who forgot what they already know at a Soul-u-lar level.
The entire interactive website and personalized journey is completely FREE! However, I do need to support myself somehow at this time and so, I was guided to produce the book version. Since it's a quantum encoded book with full color and a glossy finish it's printing cost is more expensive than originally anticipated and has 263 pages in this first print edition coming out in May 2023.
There is also a digital PDF version available now right if you click here, to make it affordable to those who don't have the money for the book and/or prefer reading digital versions. I may or may not do a Kindle version, not sure yet because I'm NOT HAPPY with Amazon putting the SLAM on my first book refusing to let me set my price and therefore, making it so that my book cost was $4 give or take a few pennies!! NO...!!
After many attempts to correct this with NO LUCK, I (finally) went with the flow and just made it temporarily OUT OF PRINT. At some point in the future it will be back but if you have a copy of my original book, consider yourself lucky and you may want to keep it close ;)
In Peace, Love, Joy and Unity
I AM Lynda Light
I AM = It's Ascension Maps
Thank you for your attention, your focus, your Love.
See you on the inside ;)
The Quantum Light Washing is a purifying Light from our Creator Source that your Soul recognizes very well. It enables you to increase your personal light quotients actively, which are measured through a technique known as Quantum Graphing. You can uplevel your experiential knowledge after you pass the tests to convert it all into personal wisdom. Wisdom which some have forgotten and other have yet to learn.
This is all covered in the journey.
Every journey is unique.
You are in control of your learning and especially, your practice.
We are broadcasting to other locations and dimensional frequencies all the time - whether or not you are aware, matters not. When you agree to take your journey you are in agreement with your Soul to get the extra healing and light body upgrades and all the quantum knowledge needed for you to start using your consciousness for self healing maintenance and many other things as you progress: as WE progress through these Ascension portals and gateways in the Photon Belt.
During your journey through the website I included a video of bonus content that was made live while I was sipping on a glass of red wine celebrating. What I was celebrating was this project because I finally got it and IT was perfect! It was beautiful in the Divine plan and overall effect this would have on the grids and for the upliftment of humanity. (I suppose I circled around with eyes wide-open and could see it forming on an upward spiral this time... so cool!)
THIS was why I could celebrate. I got it... FINALLY!
Next 'circle' around and above (it's a spiral remember;) I could see how to create Sacred Spaces for the website. It keeps progressing in an upward spiral and I keep developing this as far as Spirit wants.
The purpose is to get Foundational and Wisdom Teachings to those who can't afford it; and to those who forgot what they already know at a Soul-u-lar level.
The entire interactive website and personalized journey is completely FREE! However, I do need to support myself somehow at this time and so, I was guided to produce the book version. Since it's a quantum encoded book with full color and a glossy finish it's printing cost is more expensive than originally anticipated and has 263 pages in this first print edition coming out in May 2023.
There is also a digital PDF version available now right if you click here, to make it affordable to those who don't have the money for the book and/or prefer reading digital versions. I may or may not do a Kindle version, not sure yet because I'm NOT HAPPY with Amazon putting the SLAM on my first book refusing to let me set my price and therefore, making it so that my book cost was $4 give or take a few pennies!! NO...!!
After many attempts to correct this with NO LUCK, I (finally) went with the flow and just made it temporarily OUT OF PRINT. At some point in the future it will be back but if you have a copy of my original book, consider yourself lucky and you may want to keep it close ;)
This next time "up and around" the spiral, I could see the Sacred Spaces and the book but now, there were multiple books (4 actually)! Two of which are to become a series for ongoing work.
It's still blowing my mind. The fast paced energies are no joke. For those who are still working on cleaning up their inside hurts and trauma bonds, and all the stuff we like to call shadow work... you're gonna be feeling it moreso now than ever before; but with the twist of extra help from the Universe!
Hey, let's call a spade a spade here: shadow work is healing work. It starts with self forgiveness and it's also recognition of your Higher Selves/Spirit/Soul Self and energy bodies. In Sacred Warrior Space Podcast Cycle 3 Ascension Maps you can learn how to begin to heal yourself and connect to your energy bodies so you can level up and use your consciousness for other things without the training wheels.
Yes, it's all connected.
If you're reading these words and you still aren't sure, then just go to the website and begin your journey. Or you can simply listen to the podcast starting with Cycle 3 episode 19 CLICK HERE so you can get an idea of the topics and how I teach.
It's still blowing my mind. The fast paced energies are no joke. For those who are still working on cleaning up their inside hurts and trauma bonds, and all the stuff we like to call shadow work... you're gonna be feeling it moreso now than ever before; but with the twist of extra help from the Universe!
Hey, let's call a spade a spade here: shadow work is healing work. It starts with self forgiveness and it's also recognition of your Higher Selves/Spirit/Soul Self and energy bodies. In Sacred Warrior Space Podcast Cycle 3 Ascension Maps you can learn how to begin to heal yourself and connect to your energy bodies so you can level up and use your consciousness for other things without the training wheels.
Yes, it's all connected.
If you're reading these words and you still aren't sure, then just go to the website and begin your journey. Or you can simply listen to the podcast starting with Cycle 3 episode 19 CLICK HERE so you can get an idea of the topics and how I teach.
It's very easy going, except for the part where I may trigger some people who perhaps, haven't finished certain inner cleanups yet. Spirit said that would effectively dissuade certain individuals from 'drinking from a fountain where they weren't ready yet'.
You'll receive only the codes infused in the spoken words of the podcast if you don't take the entire trip through the website or donate for the books.
The books will also provide a great way to get allll the codes offered through following along the podcast through the written scripts while the podcasts plays through the website journey.
The books will also provide a great way to get allll the codes offered through following along the podcast through the written scripts while the podcasts plays through the website journey.
If you're the type of person who wants to hold a physical book in your hands then you hit the jackpot with this new Ascension Maps series. This entire quest is go at your own pace and the treasures you find are truly priceless! I'm beyond humbled to be able to bring forth this quantum gift to humanity.
Have a BLAST on your personal Journey!
In Peace, Love, Joy and Unity
I AM Lynda Light
I AM = It's Ascension Maps
Thank you for your attention, your focus, your Love.
See you on the inside ;)